Saturday, April 30, 2011

Life is a gift..

Once again it’s been far too long since I have updated on my life in Fiji. The last two weeks have been very relaxing! Last week we had our mid-semester break (like spring break back home) and this week we had Friday and Monday off for Easter! But now I guess it’s time to kick it in gear and get back to the books. It is weird to think my friends back home are studying for their finals and are down with school for the year in a couple weeks, when 4 weeks left. I’m not complaining though, I’m not ready to be done with my time here in this beautiful country. School is going great, just getting busy with presentations, assignments, and tests! My friends are great! I have been blessed to meet great people on my new adventure who have found a place in my heart that will stay with me forever. Life is Suva, is just “home”.

Mid-Semester break:
For mid-semester break I went to the outer islands called the Yasawa Islands. I went to a resort called Coralview, which is the furthest north island in the Yasawa group. I stayed in Suva for the first weekend and then traveled to Nadi Sunday evening to stay with my friend Neal’s family. My plans changed Monday as I missed my ferry to the Yasawa’s but it all worked out just fine. I went back to Neal’s house for the day and hungout with his family and made sure I was up extra early on Tuesday to catch the ferry. The ferry ride out to coralview was beautiful! I didn’t have my new camera at this point in time so description is the only picture you can get. Leaving Port Denerau we rode through the clear aqua water. Closer to mainland we passed by many small islands but the only way to get to those islands from the ferry was by water taxi. I rode on the top of the boat and looked at the beautiful scenery around me. Ahead was water for miles and miles, it was never ending. From the left to the right were islands with big mountains, filled with green trees, palm trees, white sandy beaches, and most with a small resort. The clouds looked so low, I felt as though I could stand up and grab them. Later during the ride we ran into some rain and ahead was a huge black cloud that literally looked like it was touchy the water and the waves were getting bigger but we rode right alongside that cloud and barely got rained on! Once I got to coralview I dropped my bags off at the dorm and headed right for the lounge chairs by the ocean! What a life! I did a lot of resting out in the sun during break but I also had some very fun adventures. I went scuba diving, which was amazing! I dove for 25 minutes and went 15 m. I saw lots of coral and colorful fish! I went to the caves one day, which was soo cool! When we went in the first part was a pool of water and the cave went way up high! Then we went under water through a tunnel and when we came back up it was pitch black! The only way we saw anything was by flashlight. It was scary but also such an adventure. One evening my friend Kenzie and I hiked up the super steep mountain to watch a gorgeous sunset! The village people working at this island resort were wonderful! They welcomed us with song when we got to the island, sang to us during lunch and dinner, and sang to us farewell. They were very good at making us feel welcomed and enjoy our break! All in all I had a great relaxing week in the Yasawa islands.

Easter Break:
It was tough to head back to school and actually concentrate when I knew there was another break ahead of me, but the week flew by off to Easter break I was. I went to Denerau with my friend Caitlin (who is also from Minnesota). We spent Friday and Saturday with her family before they went back to the States. Friday we spent the day at the pool. Caitlin and I went parasailing, which was amazing!! It felt like I was in a giant swing, flying over the ocean. It was incredible! We went to dinner down at the Port and ate at a bar and grill called Lulu’s. They actually had Taco’s and Burrito’s!!! We were soo excited to have some Mexican food! As well as live music to entertain us through dinner. Saturday we went to Natadola beach, one of the most beautiful beaches in Fiji, or so they say. It was beautiful but I don’t know if I would say one of the most beautiful. Saturday evening we left Caitlin’s family and headed to Pac Harbor where we stayed at the Upraising Resort. We spent Sunday by the pool again taking in the last couple days of break before heading back to the books. We were going to head back to Suva Monday afternoon but our plans changed. By Sunday afternoon we were more than ready to be “home”, so we went back to Suva and our last day of break relaxing at home. Easter break was wonderful and I was so blessed spend it with Caitlin and her family.
Caitlin and I Parasailing

Sunset at Resort

Natadola Beach

As for now it is back to the books! Time to get back to the reason I came to Fiji!

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