Sunday, July 3, 2011

Fiji Experience

The End of Another Journey

Before I knew if June 24th was here. I was not ready for this day to come. My heart was torn between being excited to see my family and friends from home in the US to leaving my new family and friends I made in Fiji. The last three weeks in Fiji was spent trying to study as hard as I could for exams as well as spend as much time as I could with my friends. I finished my exams the Tuesday before I left on a Friday. I spent the last couple days with friends at any opportunity I had. Sleep was last priority as I figured I could do that on the plane or when I got home, needless to say I was quite sleep deprived come Friday afternoon. Fiji is a beautiful country filled with beautiful loving people. The hardest part of leaving Fiji was leaving my friends, especially my Fijian friends, not knowing when/if I will ever get to see them again.

As for my study abroad experience in Fiji:

Throughout the last week I have been able to process through how blest I was with my study abroad experience. From the classes I took, to the places I visited, the activities I did, and the people I met. Overall the experience was one of the many journeys in my life, and a great one it was. Classes turned out to be a lot harder than I expected. Although the grading scale made it look like it was going to be a piece of cake, I was easily mistaken. Art was quite enjoyable. I discovered my talent of drawing that I never knew I had! Plus, it was fun and relaxing to draw as well. My history class seemed just as boring as any other history class I ever took in school. History is just not my cup of tea. Physics, oh physics, was the most difficult. From trying to understand my seven different teachers to teaching myself the material that I did not understand was not easy. In the end, I had to give myself credit for trying my hardest.

While in Fiji, everything seemed beautiful all the time. The most beautiful place I visited was the Yasawa’s during mid-semester break. It was absolutely gorgeous including the ferry ride to and from the island, the view from the island, the sunset from the top of the mountain, and all the little small things that add up. The bus rides from Suva to Nadi or vis versa during the day were also amazing! Although the bus rides were long and usually crowded seeing the beauty of Fiji for 3-4 hours was worth it! The resort on the coral coast such as Uprising and Mango Bay were beautiful, fun, and relaxing. If I had more time and money, I would have gone back to the coral coast more often!

Sunset at Mango Bay Resort

While looking back at my pictures and journal I realized how many things I got to cross off my bucket list as well as things I got to do that I added to the list while there. The first week I was there we went to a village, which was an amazing experience, I wish I could have gone back to another village but I did not make the time. Instead I got to volunteer some time at the SPCA (animal care center) and St.Christopher’s (an Orphanage). Amazing activities I got to do: Ziplining through the forest, snorkeling, scubadiving, caves, parasailing, paddleboarding, sandunes, and skydiving. Every activity I did was a little leap of faith that helped me to grow out of fear and experience life to the fullest.



Last but greatest experience of my experience was the different culture and the different people. I made friends that became my family. I never knew that I could get so close to people in such a short period of time. In Fiji I was known as “momma’ because I had about 12 kids (friends) that I looked after and the motherly instincts in me came out quite frequently. Halfway across the world or not I will never forget the people that have touched my heart so dearly. They will always be considered a friend in my book.

Fiji Family

Things I miss from Fiji:
Fresh fruit and vegetables from the market, bus’s without window’s, DVD shops, Village 6, sunsets, food (McDonalds, Copper Chimney, Bad Dog, Victoria Café, Joji’s, Pap Jo’s, MHCC), O’Reily’s, Traps, Wesley Church, Butt Street, Sea Wall, Helping dogs found on the street, lazy days, movie nights, and the list could go on and on.

Things I learned:
In Fiji I learned how spoiled we are in the use. Everything in Fiji such as Internet, TV, phones, electricity, running water, ect is such a privilege to have where here in the US we take it for granted.
Before I left for Fiji I was not really sure why I was sent there, I knew I was going to study abroad but I felt there was a deeper meaning as to why I was going to Fiji out of all other places in the world. I prayed a lot about it and through books I read and messages I saw and heard, I felt God had revealed to me the reason he sent me there. I have always had a heart for helping and a heart for others but on this journey of my life I felt God wanted me to LOVE others. Not just to love people, animals, or things I wanted to but to love everyone and everything. This was not always easy but was most definitely rewarding. I found a new love and that was to truly love others for who they are and accept them for just that. I love Fiji and I love my experience I had there. I pray I can continue to extend this new love to everyone and everything in the US as well.

It was more than difficult to leave Fiji and I felt a piece of me was being torn away. But I know that my Fiji friends and family with always be there for me when, God willing, I return to visit. So all in all, Fiji was the best journey of my life!

3 years ago my journey was with People to People to travel through New Zealand and Australia. Last summer my journey was going on Summer Project through Athletes in Action in Colorado. This spring my journey was to study abroad in Fiji. I am excited to see the next Journey God has planned out for me in my life!

God Bless!